Monday, 4 August 2014

Outgoing: Liebsteraward

I was nominated for the Liebster award by Carin from Moose travelling. Ehmm, that was way back in february. Anyway, I think it's ever so sweet from Carin to nominate me. But it's an award that when you accept it, you are supposed to nominate ten others bloggers. And that's just not me, I'm akward like that. Don't get me wrong, I do read lots of other blogs. But I feel quite okay just doing my blog thing, and doing it my way. So an award you can only receive by nominating other blogs, is not really an award is it? But since it sort of feels special that Carin thought of me and she was nominated herself, I've sent her a price. What's an award without a price! And a great excuse to use my vintage ledgers to write a letter on!

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