Saturday 21 December 2013

Incoming: Mail from my little girl

Suddenly my daughter appeared in front of me. She had been "doing" stuff in her room. Very secretive. And then suddenly there she was, in front of me, while I was holding the laundry basket. She looked very shy and she was blushing, and then she handed this to me. I melted. That deserved a big big hug! I have the best daughter!

The back of the envelope.

she had made a drawing full of rabbits in a house. And a lipstick kiss. From all the hearts she cut out, she glued them all together as a flower, and the stars she glued to the envelope.


  1. Wat lief! Da's uiteindelijk toch de leukste post... :-)

  2. Aaah wat lief!! Zoiets zou mijn oudste zoon ook kunnen doen! Zo schattig!

  3. Lief hoor! Dat zijn de mooiste kunstwerkjes, om altijd te bewaren.


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